Bem-vindo a Angola

The Capcimbo team has recently welcomed Gautier de Warienghen to reinforce our Angolan operation. Gautier is bringing a wealth of experience in the food distribution on the continent and will be in charge of Capcimbo’s operations.

Flying high in Mozambique

Roav7 through our Mozambican subsidiary Capemba is kick starting its drone operation in Mozambique with surveillance work and various offshore technical inspections on the map

NGO Project in Mueda

Supply and Installation of accommodation and ablution blocks in Moduco in Mueda, Northern Mozambique.

Concentrated Solar Power farm drone inspection in the Northern Cape, South Africa

Daron Roav7 has recently inspected a CSP tower in the Northern Cape, providing detailed defect report and producing at the same time a 3D model of the massive concrete tower.

Daron Roav7 on Show

Between the 7th and 9th of June , Daron Roav7, our division of Technical inspection by drone showcased at the Cape Town Convention Centre its technology in Asset inspection by drone and Industrial imaging to a large audience of stakeholders in the ever so important electrification and energy sectors in Africa.